Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm back!

Hi all. I haven't been writing here for a long time, because I had to work hard and had absolutely no time to make some music or something. But, I'm back and here's my new composition - but I don't know how to name it )))) It's made with Propellerheads Reason and mastered in Cubase (by the way, I think, mastering of this song is totally bad. But don't know how to make it better). Anyway, listen to it and, maybe, write some comments on it. Enjoy.

New untitled track - Strock

Thursday, May 8, 2008

New gear

On the last week I've bought some new stuff for my entertainment ))) Here they are.
1) ESI Juli@ sound card
2) Tapco Mix 50 mixer

Hope they'll help me a little. Later I'll write some review on them.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Beat goes on

Happy new year everyone!
I've done some beat samples for the song. Here they are in action.

Electronic one is made with Native Instruments Battery with certain kit loaded into it, and output passed through Waves Guitar Amp to make it crunchy. Live drums are done with the help of EZ Drummer.